10 Ethical Dilemmas to be used with Classroom Ethic Forum Issues
Agree or Disagree Charts
1. You can go into your sister’s bedroom and borrow something without
permission because she visited your bedroom and took something without
permission .
2. You can wear your hair, color your hair, cut your hair any way you wish!
3. It’s up to parents to set up the ground rules for car trips!
4. If a bank overpays you money it’s okay to keep the money.
5. If a waitress gives you too much change when you pay your bill, you can
keep the money.
6. You can use your brothers video game without his permission because it’s
unlikely he will find out.
7. It’s alright to get angry when your rights have been violated.
8. You can get angry with anyone, anytime, anyplace.
9. You overhear a fellow student making unkind remarks about members from a
particular minority ethnic group and decide to ignore the comments and the
people who said them.
10. It’s really important that if your friend makes a mistake and discloses a
secret to give them another chance.
– Gene Bedley