Values in Action! Seminar on the Core Ethical Value-Responsibility.
This seminar starts with “who left the milk out ?” to underlining the importance of the word “by”! Responsibility always finds a way Irresponsibility makes excuses. What we do we do. Acknowledging what we do is a step toward maturity. Participants will examine the difference between responsibility and control.
The Big “R” Responsibility seminar ( Responsibility Management for the Classroom) includes dozens of practical ideas for teachers to use to implement a program on personal responsibility.
Seminar includes Self-Management Skills and Program , Model for Change, Ethics vs Rules, Student Code of Ethics, Classroom Management Solutions, W.B.R. Program, Goal Setting Strategies, Daily Learning Pledge, 11 Rules to Relate, Classroom Counseling Center, Accountability Partners, and Value Centered Reference Points. You’ll leave the seminar with a clear resolve to promote responsibility the foundational value of all values.