Respect – In order to receive it you have to give it!
Respect for others is proof of Respect for yourself!
No Discounting Discrediting or Disrespecting others !
No Put-Downs! Compliments spoken here!
Caring Community!
No one ever went wrong by being polite!
Responsibility finds a way, Irresponsibility makes excuses!
There are no mistakes in life only lessons!
Reject Rejection!
Never Quit ! Quitting is a Permanent solution to a Temporary problem!
I can take this and a whole lot more bring it on baby ! or I cant take it any more!
If you are in a hole stop digging!
Were the Problem Solvers!
We become an aggregate of all the experiences we encounter!
We deserve what our attitudes Produce!
Choices are our to make and live with!
The Choices you make, make you!
The heart of problems are the problems of the heart!
Morals Matter!
Whats Cool Changes from: Elementary School to Middle School to High School and beyond!
Being cool is not a requirement for getting a job!
Forgiveness Restraint and Self Management all require practice!
The Difference that makes a difference Those who overcome Obstacles will succeed!
People with high self esteem dont put others down! Hormones accepts peers as the only view!
Value driven accepts peer opinions as one point of view!
Life is not divided into semesters. Most people don’t have the summers off!
Ethics does not accept the way things currently exist. Ethics works for the (BPRs) Best Possible Results!
A wise cowboy knows he must first control himself before he controls the horse!
Golden Rule Treat others the way you want to be treated!
All behavior is either a call for love or an expression of love!
© Gene Bedley 2015 Character Campaign Posters
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