Heavy Freddy
Monkey Teaches Kids How to Behave
Heavy Freddy goes where no other monkey has gone before: into a classroom to teach young children the skill of relating and behaving.
Freddy does it with his magical bag of tricks. Each trick is a concrete tool that little kids understand and can use to become skilled problem solvers.
Freddy presents one idea after another to help young children make appropriate choices that serve them and the class. The tricks are just a few of those presented in Gene Bedley’s best selling discipline book, Discipline Solutions and Strategies.
You’ll also learn how to use a Biscuit Finder, Whisper Tube or Freddy’s Insect Glasses. We hope that you will find the perfect monkey for you and begin a magical classroom journey that will strengthen your kids and you!
Downloadable Book Only – Once purchased you will be able to download the book to your desktop or mobile device!
Book Review
Heavy Freddy and its fantastic ideas are great and will go a long way in helping children to learn, grow, and become the wonderful people they were meant to be. I love the way Gene used rhyme just as Dr. Seuss did, but with a beautiful message of caring, politeness, and good behavior.
I think your books will go a long way to helping teachers help children. Well-behaved children are happy children and happy children are children who learn.
Heavy Freddy and His Magical Tricks will help kids to not only learn in school but
also to learn about life. These lessons will take them farther than just learning to read and do math.
These lessons will help them to become caring, compassionate, and good people and will help them to make their lives better and this world a better place.
Joe Mazzella, West Virginia
“Heavy Freddy is a treasure! From the moment Freddy
(and his buddy Gene Bedley) walked into my classroom,
every kindergartener was enthralled. While kids were
having fun with the book and the many hands-on
activities, they were also learning some of life’s
most important lessons. For many years, Mr. Bedley’s
wealth of wisdom and knowledge has helped teachers
guide their students to be responsible, caring,
problem solvers.
Thank you for another very clear,
easy to use, practical tool that will make a
difference in our children’s lives!”
Teachers need a
book like Heavy Freddy to turn lofty goals & ideas
into action. What a gift to teachers!
Judy Poutsma Kindergarten Teacher Irvine, CA
Bhotax – :
Heck of a job there, it abtleusoly helps me out.
Arun – :
I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very kngbledoeawle?
Gene Bedley – :
Not sure I write a page every day on what works Far to many people merely describe the problems in the world!